I am Arkopravo Patra, from India/ Bharat. I had regular schooling, studied and worked as an engineer in the process Industry.



Flop-artist is an effort to assemble the art works.

Whenever I have some urge or a strong emotional turmoil or some unexplained agitation in my mind which I cannot channelize – I talk with my Teacher/ Master my “SIR” who guides me through the work, like a guided visualization meditation; It’s THAT visualization which I recreate in mixed medium.

On every step I am guided hence each and every work here are NOT own production.

But still my Sir insists that the work belongs to the one who has the enthusiasm to execute, even if the person is aided in every step.
Behind each work there are coded information like a human sized pile of books. My Sir does the heavy lifting, in the rigorous process stimuli – (conjunction)- receptivity – affect assembly – knowledge base  – organization – ordered concepts/ system of concepts – (transforms, functions, operators) – visualization.

I am the hand, one who is implementing a part, who is unclear of the final revelation, the one I love to get engaged with, like visiting a place which you have heard of, a fantasy and finally get a glimpse of it.

When the work is completed, I feel relieved, calm and content.

They are true moments, moments of discovery, and undoubtedly a spiritual experience.

If you are interested, with the work contact me –

Instagram – @soul_soup_mix

Facebook – patra.arkopravo

Email – leninisnotmydad@gmail.com


Solo Exhibition: Contemporary Indian Dada

Saint Petersburg; Polyustrovo Hotel
December, 2022
Click Here

Second International ARTIST'S BOOK TRIENALE

Ildar Khan's Ecumenical Temple, Old Arakchino in Kazan

June, 2022
Click Here

«Тайны истории Венгрии и Татарстана: общие истоки». Организатор - Казанский клуб ("Secrets of the history of Hungary and Tatarstan: common origins". Organizer - Kazan club )

November, 2021; Музей Горького и Шаляпина (Museum of Gorky and Chaliapin)
December, 2021; at the Institute of Culture, Kazgik, Kazan
February, 2022; Дом Дружбы народов Татарстана - Ресурсный центр в сфере национальных отношений республики (House of Friendship of the peoples of Tatarstan - Resource center in the field of national relations of the republic)


The exhibition is organized by МСИИД [Музей Современного Изобразительного Искусства на Дмитровской], Ростов-на-Дону

August, 2021

The International Art-project “DADA. Germany" KAZAN

The exhibition was organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Museum of A.M. Gorky and F.I.Shalyapin, the Kazan club "Artist's Book", with the assistance of the German House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

April, 2021

Art Doc Magazine : Dada and Democracy

Artdoc is an international online magazine dedicated to the world of photography. Art is only possible in a world with democracy.
The art movement of Dadaism questioned all existing norms and values ​​with irony. Dada was a short but decisive period of absolute artistic freedom. There was no place for logic, but only artistic room for magic and absurdism. In this exhibition Dada and Democracy, we present the work of photographers who question the social and political situation of the world in our time.

December, 2020
